Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry - Scene in Chillingham, Park Portrait of Lord Ossulston, or death of the wild bull

Oil Painting ID : 43196-Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry-Scene in Chillingham, Park Portrait of Lord Ossulston, or death of the wild bull

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Scene in Chillingham, Park Portrait of Lord Ossulston, or death of the wild bull - Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry

Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry - Scene in Chillingham, Park Portrait of Lord Ossulston, or death of the wild bull

Scene in Chillingham, Park Portrait of Lord Ossulston, or death of the wild bull - Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry

Info: 43196-Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry-Scene in Chillingham, Park Portrait of Lord Ossulston, or death of the wild bull.jpg

Artist's nationality: English Painter, 1802-1873

Canvas Paintings: Hand painted with oil on canvas, buy with ease.

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